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Welcome To Our Family
The Salem International Church of Christ is home to a group of faithful folks
who love God and love serving His people.
The Fellowship of Believers
42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
Acts 2:42-47
At the Salem International Church of Christ, we meet often as a body to celebrate, praise and worship God. Whether in a building or in a park, birthdays or just dinner, we love sharing in life together as a family.
Everyone is new at some point! Whatever your comfort or preference,
we are happy to have you join us when you are ready.
Sunday 10 am—4090 Commercial St SE Wednesday 6 pm Midweek on Zoom

Sunday 10 am—Riverfront Park pavilion near the kids splash area. Wednesday 6 pm Bible talk Riverfront Park pavilion
Join us on Zoom:
428 591 4419
We offer individual Bible Studies, personally designed with the Bible as the standard. Get in touch if this seems like a good fit for you.

Men’s Bible studies - 541-210-4667

Women’s Bible studies - 914-419-5824
What we’re about
What we believe in & how we work together.
Bible as the Standard
The gospel of Jesus as revealed in the Bible is our doctrine. The church must change to fit the Bible, and each disciple is responsible for continuous biblical learning.
Baptism and Serving
All members are baptized disciples, and strive to serve God with all heart, mind, soul & strength.
Giving Back
We remember Jesus’ sacrifice weekly through communion and give monetary offerings to God through the church in keeping with our income.
Making it Personal
We offer people Bible study to help them learn about God/Jesus, and for us to help them improve their spiritual lives. The Bible studies that follow are a template, and can be adjusted to fit the needs of the learner and the preference of the trainer.
Path to Salvation
We believe in spiritual education/correct salvational teaching. Salvation follows the progression: coming to faith in Jesus through spiritual habits, repentance of sin, and baptism for forgiveness, receipt of the Holy Spirit and addition to God’s kingdom. Those who haven’t followed this pathway before, we train and baptize. Those who have, we add to our membership.
Learn & Equip
We believe in continuing to teach disciples of Christ to equip them obey for their whole lives. This involves mentorship for new (1-2 years) Christians.
Biblical Leadership Structure
We believe in biblical leadership structure, with elders overseeing, deacons serving and evangelists spreading the gospel. If a church is too small to have qualified elders, it should consult outside elders for spiritual guidance. A combination of these form the leadership group. We believe experienced men must lead in teaching the church. We believe experienced women must teach other women.
We're International
Our church family is the International Churches of Christ. We have family in every state, and in many countries
Let's Connect
Aaron & Kerry Ford
Text or Call
Scottish Rite Center
4090 Commercial St. SE,
Salem OR 97302
Salem Church of Christ
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